CEDREN nyheter

Innlandet som energiprodusent
29. August 2011

Høgskolen i Lillehammer, Østlandsforskning, Norsk institutt for naturforskning, Glommens og Laagens Brukseierforening, Eidsiva og Energisenteret arrangerer ifm Forskningsdagene 2011 en konferanse på Norsk Vegmuseum, Hunderfossen den 22. september om energiproduksjon i Innlandet.

Technoport 2012 - Renewable Energy Research Conference
26. August 2011
 Technoport 2012 - Sharing Possibilities is an international conference on climate solutions. The conference gathers some of the brightest minds in research, industry, and politics for lectures, discussions and debates. Sharing Possibilities on smart technology in the transition towards the green economy is in focus 16 to 18 April 2012 in Trondheim Norway.
18th Northern Research Basin’s Symposium summary
26. August 2011

The 18th Northern Research Basin’s (NRB) Workshop and Symposium was arranged in Western Norway 15th to 20th of August 2011.

North Sea Supergrid one step closer
8. August 2011 UK and Norwegian actors made strides last week on outlining a roadmap for a supergrid – an interlinked electricity network between the North Sea nations.

