CWW 2011 is the first large international conference on wind energy and wildlife impacts and aims to share experience on how wind power plants may impact wildlife. The conference focuses on challenges and solutions in technological, management and ecological perspectives. CWW 2011 expects to gather expertise and stakeholders from all over the world.
Memebrs of CEDREN's Scientific committee give the talks at the seminar "Environmental design of hydropower". The seminar takes place at the auditorium of NTNU Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, 9.00 - 12.00 thursday October 28.
The EnviDORR project, more salmon – more power, presents research results at the seminar at Hell 29 Nov 2010. The program brings us through the different life stages of a salmon, and the challenges and possibilities in regulated rivers.
The OPTIPOL project gathers scientists and user partners for update and progress discussions at Rica Hell Hotel, Stjørdal 22 Nov 2010. The involved partners have received invitation by e-mail, and a more detailed agenda will be forwarded ahead of the meeting.